Day 2  

June 9, 2009

Tomorrow is bootcamp #2. I'm dreading it... mildly. I'm looking forward to being done. In fact, I can't wait until the next 2 weeks are over, because I KNOW I'll start to feel great.

The eating thing has been going well. I'm aiming for 1500 calories, but yesterday I was at about 1650. Not bad. Today, I don't know. Probably close to 1700 - we had guests for dinner, and man, I can make a mean lasagna, amazing ceasar salad, and garlic bread that melts in your mouth. I gotta stop making that.

Otherwise I've been really careful. I do wish that the ladies at work wouldn't put the huge bag of chips directly behind my cubicle, and stand there and munch on them (loudly) periodically all day. Yikes!

Trying to stay positive and focused. It's hard - I can't do this and everything else. Some things are going to have to give. I just don't know what...

Here's hoping tomorrow doesn't kill me...

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