Day 1  

June 8, 2009

Well, today was officially the first day of getting back on the saddle, so to speak.


Try as I did, I couldn't get to bed early last night, but I'm pretty sure I drifted off to sleep just before midnight. Which seems to be ok so far - but I can pretty much promise that I'll be hitting a wall come lunchtime!

I also suffer from "can't be late" syndrome - so I set my alarm for 4am. I hit snooze until 5, and then I was up-and-at-them! as they say on the Simpsons.

Bootcamp this morning was just Karm and I and the two trainers - so really, very lucky for us, as we received one-on-one attention (or is that unlucky?). It was really nice workout out in the crisp morning air, and the workout itself was great!

However, I'm so mad at myself for what crappy shape I'm in! I'm trying not to dwell - in 2 weeks, things will start to improve, I hope - but it's still hard.

Anyways - I have to run to work now... The easy part is done, now I have the day ahead of me to try and resist all of the ridiculous crap that makes its way into the office every day (chips, dip, more chips, donuts, cake, etc etc).

Wish me luck!


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