end of bootcamp #1  

July 3, 2009

So much for regular updates!

Today was the final day of the first bootcamp session. I have been surprised by several things during this bootcamp...
1 - I really, really like getting up that early. I am far more clear-headed and energetic at 5am than I am at 8am. Strange. The only problem with this is the 4pm crash. And the fact that I can't make myself go to bed before 11pm. Too much to do!
2 - I love working out outside. I suspect this only applies to 6am though - I hate being hot, but 6am is nice and cool.

I managed to make it to 9/12 classes - which isn't that bad, considering the hell that is finding childcare for 5:30 in the morning. Thank you, mom, for sleeping over as often as you did! Most days it wasn't a struggle for me, but I'll admit that after a few late nights, I really had to force myself out of bed.

I loved bootcamp. Seriously, I did. I found that it's far easier than working with a trainer - of course - but I like the group dynamic and the fresh air. I worked hard - but I found that I really had to pace myself, more than I would during a personal training session, because you can't really just stop and catch your breath without holding everyone back.

Do I feel like I've lost weight? Probably not. My eating has been ok - I would say 75% good, 25% same-old-shit. Weekends are awful for me - I'm always out running errands, shopping, meeting with clients.

However, I did my cardio test today, and was able to run/walk about 2/3 of a lap further than 4 weeks ago. So that's good. And working out 3 days/week is better than 0, yeah? My problem is always that I feel if I'm not doing 5-6 days/week of intense workouts, I'm wasting my time.

SO - I'm focusing on just being glad that I'm doing something, and for the next session (starts in a week), I'm going to try and add 1 swimming class per week, and really focus on getting back in the kitchen - cooking!

So there you have it. After the end of the next boot camp session, I'm going to re-do my fitness test, and hopefully we'll see some weight change. I'm not even going to stress myself out about it until then though!

I'll try and update more often... yah, right!

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1 comments: to “ end of bootcamp #1

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