
November 25, 2008

7pm, sitting at home waiting until 7:30 so that I can go to swimming.

I freely admit that I skipped Thursday's class. There is tired (like now) and there is completely-burst-into-tears-if-I-have-to-leave-the-house exhausted (like Thursday). I stayed home and cuddled with Ian. A choice I don't regret.

Today has been a good eating day. Didn't have time for breakfast so I had a protein bar (well, 1/2 of one). Yogurt and an apple for mid-morn snack. Chicken pita for lunch, with low-fat frozen yogurt for dessert. Bun with peanut butter and banana on it for mid-afternoon snack. Chicken stir-fry for dinner, vitalicious muffin for dessert. After swimming I will have some nuts/seeds and probably some beef jerky (high in sodium but also high in protein and low in sodium, too bad!).

All-in-all - not a bad day. Typically I have a much healthier breakfast but I ran out of time this morning (something that astounds me, considering I was up by 7, and didn't leave the house until 8:40...)

And now, swimming. As promised to myself. BUT - I will say that if tonight's class is not an improvement over last Tuesday, I'm going to substitute something else for these classes, whether it be swimming lengths, deep water workouts, or ??? So we shall see.

Today I was reminded that eating right and being successful is all about choice. It's all about making the RIGHT choice. For me, it's all about taking the time to THINK about my choices, and what they mean. And when you're living life in warp speed all the time as I do, sometimes slowing down to THINK about anything is a challenge.

Solution? Give choice a soundtrack. I've been working on training my brain to turn on a specific song in my head whenever I'm on the verge of making a poor choice simply by refusing to acknowledge the choice before me:

The song? Sabotage by the Beastie Boys. Specifically "Listen all ya'll this is Sabotage". Fits quite well.

Well, I'd better go. Wish me luck...

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1 comments: to “ Meh.

  • Thumbing Luxury
    November 26, 2008 at 8:34 AM  

    HAHAHA!! I LOVE the song idea. I am totally stealing that idea for myself. I can just see myself thinking about eating something, starting to sing Sabotage, and having Jeremy be like WHAT are you doing??!!! Hilarious. I love it.


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