
November 25, 2008

Metres. That's how much I swam.

I'm SO EXHAUSTED!!!!!! It was easier (already!) this week than last, but still, what a workout!

So glad I went. There are 3 new ladies in my class, all of whom are training for a triathlon... I'm proud to say that I was able to keep up with them, although doing so just about killed me. I'm a much better swimmer than any of them, but they are far, far FAR more fit than I. Makes it interesting, anyway.

I really do love swimming. I'm almost tempted to sign up for this class again... seems like by the end of the 8th and final class I'll be really into it. On the other hand, I'm thinking maybe I should try something different.

Anyone want to sign up for a pilates class with me, or something? Starting in January?

Eating today - was GREAT. I made good choices, and kept my focus.


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1 comments: to “ 700

  • Thumbing Luxury
    November 26, 2008 at 8:38 AM  

    If I was there I would so be with you in taking a class in January. Even swimming. The last time I took a swimming class was with my Dad (we're both sinkers) and we did an adult learn to swim class, which was awesome.

    Maybe we can a class together long distance? Swimming, yoga, pilates, a martial art? I'd be up for something like that.... one year until my beach wedding (Jan 2010) should give me time to get some definition back.....

    Let me know what you think :)

    See you soon!!!


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