
November 27, 2008

I'm back on track. Despite the triple-layer chocolate cake I just made from scratch and will not get to taste.

Yesterday I went to the gym! Yay me! Paid special attention to my knee, and it held up nicely. Did 35 minutes on the eliptical and just under 10 on the treadmill (had to stop because the gym closes at 9:00pm. Yeah, 9:00pm.) Burned 560 calories, all told.

Also, because I'm no longer nursing as much as I was, my trainer has reduced my over-all calorie intake to 1700.

I'm in mourning. However, I think that we'll start seeing some really fabulous results.

Just when things start to look up... I come down with a horrible cough/cold. No swimming for me tonight, although I really, really wanted to go. I know, however, I would have just ended up getting sicker in the long run.

I hate to lose the momentum, though, and so I'm going to try and make it to an early morning swim tomorrow and/or Saturday.

Provided I'm feeling better.

I'm also going to start experimenting with various healthy variations on my favourite baked goods. As soon as I find my camera, I'll try and post some photos, and I'll definitely post some recipes!

My new goal - get back down to 240 before Christmas.

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