3 Way Mirrors, and why they SUCK  

November 24, 2008

Went clothing shopping today. It was great fun. Seriously. Really. I LOVE being stuck in a tiny room where every which way I look involves some seriously disturbing views of my post-third-baby body.

I left with a pair of jeans, a shirt, and some serious determination. Not only to lose weight, but to stop leaving the house like I'm invisible. Time to start paying more attention to how I look. Luci is 6 months old, it's time to get it together.

Step One: NO more fucking around - time to start eating right, and keep a food log.
Step Two: Knee or no knee - back to working out 5x per week.
Step Three: Dye hair. Since I can't afford to have my hilites re-done, I'm just going to cover it all and go darker.
Step Four: Cut hair. I'm just going to have to suck up the $50.
Step Five: New wardrobe. I went through my closet today and got rid of 2 huge garbage bags full of frumpy clothes. Now I vow to budget myself $50 per week for clothes - and hopefully I'll be going down a size or two each month.
Step Six: Vow to wear makeup at least 3 days per week.

Tomorrow is swim class again - (I missed Thursdays class in order to snuggle with my husband... I regret it, but I don't, ya know?)... here's my proposed schedule for the week:

Tuesday - Swim Class
Wednesday - Gym
Thursday - Swim Class
Friday - Walk
Saturday - Off
Sunday - Work out at home

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