why i hate scales  

September 7, 2008

so after my excitement about losing 10 pounds, i had a nice fat reality check.

i weighed myself on MY scale.


meaning - i lost only 6 pounds, not 10.

i was depressed for an entire day. and i'll admit, in the last few days i'll get this overwhelming sense that i can't do this. that it'll take forever to lose this weight... especially when it's supposed to be easier in the beginning... especially when the weight is supposed to melt off while you're nursing...


however, i keep telling myself - no matter what, i'm getting healthy. i'm eating mostly whole foods. lots of fruit and veggies and protein and fibre. and i'm workout out 4-5 days per week. i am no longer a smoker...

basically, i've changed my entire life around.

and let's be honest - my trainer told me to stick between 2200 and 2500 cals per day... and i've definitely been leaning towards the 2500. maybe it's time to stick closer to the 2200 mark.

hopefully the next few weeks will show some better results.

in other news - i started my new training program this week. 2 weight training days, and 3 strictly cardio, plus one day of "my choice" (aka swimming). for cardio, i can choose between 2 gym workouts - one on the eliptical and one on the treadmill, or 1 walk/jog. i'm not feeling quite confident enough yet to do the gym thing... so this week i gave the walk/jog a try. now, you have to understand, i hate jogging. with arthritis in my left foot, it's not always painless for me. although the arthritis is mostly in remission these days (flares up occasionally), my feet don't respond that well to high-impact exercises. however... losing weight will help.

it was a REALLY easy workout, in some ways. i had to keep my heart in my target zone - not always easy when walking. basically, i walked for 5 minutes, ran for 30 seconds, walked for 3 minutes, ran for 30 seconds, and repeat... for 30 minutes, and then a 5 minute walking cool-down. i was worried i'd have to power-walk instead of running, but i did just fine. in fact, i think i could probably run for a minute instead... but i'm going to keep it like it is for a few weeks, get my legs under me so-to-speak. all told, i only burned 403 calories, but it was great to get some fresh air.

so here we go... trying to keep my chin up, trying not to let my negative thoughts sabatoge this experience.

and yet, here it is, sunday night - girls night at the pub! salad, here i come!

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2 comments: to “ why i hate scales

  • Jillian Camwell
    September 7, 2008 at 3:44 PM  

    Good job with the walking/running! You can do this! You WILL do this!! Keep it up!!

    I will have a salad "with" you tonight.

  • gail
    September 8, 2008 at 5:16 PM  

    Well, these things take time, so don't get too down about it! :) It sounds like you've changed so much, maybe your bod is in shock! Just kidding, but seriously, you're doing good. Besides...ummm well I think a 4 pound difference is like the difference of going pee. So it's still 10lbs anyways :)


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