harder than I thought  

September 15, 2008

well, we're a few weeks into september now, and i'm just trying to keep up. i've been hit with a few obstacles. the biggest one has been the stomach bug that cohen (and now perhaps lili) caught. that plus a few unusual events - lots of guests over the weekend, a birthday party, a stupid amount of volunteer work... and i feel as though i've lost my focus.


i only worked out 3 times last week, which SUCKS. and that included one particularily brutal workout with my trainer. it was a GREAT, tough workout - but i hadn't eaten enough that day (for example, i had a bowl of cereal for lunch... about 250 cals short of what i should have eaten), and ended up throwing up midway through the workout and passing out at the end of the workout. nice.

this week, i thought i'd start out strong - and so yesterday i went for my walk/run. even though i was rather annoyed that i forgot to charge my ipod. it was GREAT - in fact, it was definitely too easy. i've asked B to change the intervals for the rest of the week so that i'm running for longer.

however... i noticed yesterday a slight twinge in my right knee... well, that slight twinge has progressed into a really sharp pain. it comes and goes, but i can sense that i'm right on the verge of a bad injury.

dammit. i guess i'll be sticking to weight training this week. maybe some swimming.

as for eating... geez i'm all over the place. i think with my schedule so crazy, there is just no way i can track all my food all the time, for one thing, and for another, i think it's time to simplify. i need to go back to just following a daily caloric intake rather than logging protein/carbs/fibre/fat all the time. i know enough to try and include protein/fibre/carbs at every meal and snack - so i'm going to trust that and just keep track of calories.

i've been sorta bad this week anyways. i had one really off day - we were hung over (yeah, did i mention the 600 calories in beer?), which required mcdonalds. sorry, there is no other cure for a hangover. luckily, i usually do not drink so much. anyway, so the beer, the mcdonalds... and then cohen gets the stomach bug, and we're too busy cleaning up vomit to cook dinner... and so ian goes off to dairy queen and brings back dinner (ew) and, to top it off, ice cream cake (ew, but yum). after that, i headed off to the pub for a birthday, and have a caesar salad and another beer. and one potato skin.

f-word. it looks so much worse now that i look back at it.

which is all why i was determined to regain my focus this week. blasted knee.

the good news is, i've lost another pound. and i refuse to let the numbers get to me too much. i'm working hard, i'm eating much better (except for saturday) - eventually it will pay off. i'm really strong - B keeps telling me how amazed she is at my strength, but carrying 3 kids around will do that. now i just need to burn off some fat.

spoke to my original trainer this week, and she mentioned that when she was nursing, her body actually stored everything - which makes some sense. once she stopped nursing, the weight just fell off of her. so there's hope, i guess.

anyways. we're not even at full-business yet - some of the kids' activities don't start for another few weeks (like hockey, dreading that!). hopefully i'll get into the swing of things before too long.

also - realized that when i first started working out with J, on july 11, i weighed 255. i lost the 5 in the first week, so i haven't been counting that. but maybe i should. B tells me, also to subtract my vacation week and the week between trainers, and the week that she was gone. which would mean that instead of 9 weeks, we're looking at 6 weeks. totaling 12 pounds in 6 weeks. which is good.

i should also mention, ack, that the day i went into labour, i weighed 266. yup. so, that's 23 pounds gone. including the almost-9 pound luci, of course ;)

hanging in there. i keep telling myself to just take it day by day and it'll happen. a week will fly by, and then a month, and then 3 months, and 6, and suddenly i'll be under 200 pounds. i just know it.

day by day.

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