
September 4, 2008

Yesterday I had workout #3 with B. We discussed my new workout plan - which entails 3 cardio days/week (to be done through walking/jogging, or the eliptical at the gym), plus 2 strength training days. We went through the strength training together last night - I really enjoyed it. She showed me several totally new moves, which always gets me enthused.

She did, however, forget to bring my scale. Too funny. However, this morning, when I picked up my niece, I borrowed my brother's scale.

So - after a month (and a little bit... about a week), I have lost 10 lbs.

This is good - in fact, I was hoping for exactly that. I will admit, that I felt some disappointment when I saw the numbers though. I was secretly hoping for 237 - which is my first goal. But then I had to remind myself - the week we went on vacation, I was TERRIBLE! Seriously. I don't think I blogged much about it - but think fast food every day. And, because of course in my mind I knew it'd be a LONG time before I'd be doing the fast food thing again, I really, really went all out. Think value meal, plus another burger. Think 3 scoops of ice cream.

So, I am ultimately thrilled with a 10 pound loss. I do want to get my hair done in the next two weeks, so I'm going to step it up, and hopefully I can lose 3 pounds in the next 10 days.

I also had Ian take my monthly photo, which I'll post later today. Funny, I never posted monthly pregnancy shots, because I was too ashamed of my body... but here I am, posting rather revealing, unabashedly fat photos. Getting thinner though.

During the workout yesterday, B mentioned that she could see a change in me already. I admitted that yes, I'm feeling stronger and more energetic, and I can only imagine how great it'll feel at my goal. She said "Isn't it great, and you'll totally get there, how amazing!"

It struck me then - she's the first person who has just come out and told me that I WILL reach my goal. Not that I "might" or I "could", just that I "WILL".

That's a great thing to hear from a trainer.

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