September 18, 2008

holy swimming, batman!

tonight, on a whim, i escaped out of the house and went to a deep water workout class. it's been awhile.

new instructor. i notice immediately that the class is much, much younger than i'm used to - almost all under 35 i'd say. it occurs to me that perhaps the instructor is a tough one, so the older folks stay away. i don't give it much thought.

until about 5 minutes into the class.

at that time, i'm already panting, and have probably reached about 90% of my max heart rate. my legs are burning, and my arms feel like jello.


she ran the class like a boot camp, and i loved it. it was also rather competitive (ok, maybe that was just me being competitive). she had as break into two groups, one on either side of the pool, and she'd give us a specific move to do for 3 or 4 or whatever lengths.

let me just say, that yes, i am totally bragging here, because i kicked ASS. i was probably the second "fattest" person in that pool... and there were even 2 quite fit men.

in 50 minutes of class, i completed each rotation first. in some cases, i had to wait 4 or 5 minutes for the rest of the class to catch up. i even had a chick - wearing a string bikini, no less (who does that for a DWW class? seriously?) ask me if i did speed before the class.

nope. and let me tell you - it wasn't easy. i was working as hard as i possibly could, and at times i really thought i was going to puke. (note to self: next time, wait more than 24 hours after having a stomach bug). but nothing, NOTHING spurs me on more than competition.

i feel like i should apologize for that, oddly enough. hell no! i am and have always been a competitive person.

anyways, by the end of the class i was absolutely exhausted. about halfway through i got a wicked tummy cramp, and then towards the end another cramp in my leg. didn't matter though. it felt GREAT.

i will be making a huge effort to attend her classes from now on. i think she does tues/thurs evenings... so if anyone is interested in a kick-ass workout, come join me!

i'm going to go pass out now.

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