and the verdict is...  

August 30, 2008


B and I postponed our workout until Tuesday morning. I'm ok with it.

I had a great week of workouts. I got 5 in, which always makes me feel like some sort of super-hero - with our busy household schedule, it's a miracle. Credit to Ian, who is always willing to let me disappear for an hour to do my thing.

I did a deep-water workout this week too, and there was a really great instructor, which always makes a world of difference. Plus, I was super-into it - and with water workouts, you decide your own level of resistance, so if you're pumped up, you can get a FANTASTIC workout. It is, however, easy to just relax and not work hard, so I try to really be vigilant about pushing myself.

I'm starting to notice some big differences, now that it's been a month. I am starting to fit back into some of the clothing that I wore pre-pregnancy. I'm noticing some great definition in my arms, and under the fat, I'm sure I've got a 6-pack going on!

I know from experience that I'm going to start seeing some great definition in my legs next, and some general shrinkage all over. I can't wait.

I'm really hoping that I've made it to my first goal of 237lbs. Not just because it's great to reach goals... but also because I desperately need a haircut! And, if you remember, my reward for reaching the first goal was getting my hair cut/highlighted and styled...I think, anyways. I'll have to check back!

Eating is still going well. The last few days I've abandoned the meal plan, mostly because things have been chaotic and I ran out of a lot of the food items. However, I pretty much stuck to the foods I knew were on the plan, just mixed up the days. I'm pretty sure that I've been falling way short in the calorie department, but what can you do. I've also been allowing myself some foods not on the plan (for example, tonight Ian is making steak sandwiches, and I'll have one (but just one) plus salad and veggies).

And, I will admit, I made Chocolate Chip cookies from scratch with Lili and Julia yesterday, and I did test one. Just one though. Probably 400 calories, but life is too short to pass up homemade cookies. I'm proud that I only ate one. Thank god the kids, Ian, my neighbors and my dad ate the rest, so I don't have to face any temptation anymore!

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2 comments: to “ and the verdict is...

  • Jillian Camwell
    August 30, 2008 at 8:56 PM  

    Eek! A chocolate chip cookie is 400 calories?? When I make a batch, I'll easily have 5 or 6 cookies that day...hmmm...rethinking!!

  • bluemoon
    August 30, 2008 at 9:45 PM  

    Well, normal chocolate chip cookies are probably about 100 calories... but we made them REALLY BIG! Teehee. And, I always drizzle a blend of melted chocolate chips and caramel on top of each cookie...

    So you're pretty much OK. Next time, eat one for me too. ;)


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